Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Every time I'm at home, my 2 year old sister always insist on watching a certain animated film, Rio. She has watched this movie a dozen times(so do I) that she almost memorize it. Anyway, the movie is very fun and entertaining to watch, perhaps that is why she loves watching it.

Linda Gunderson

Tulio Monteiro

 The film starts with an upbeat music and colorful scene full of different kinds of birds that are local to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The birds' song was interrupted when illegal bird smugglers started their hunt, and the main character, Blu, of the rare specie Blue macaw was unfortunately captured. During the transportation of the smuggled birds, Blu's crate fell out of the truck and was later found by Linda Gunderson. Blu, being highly domesticated, was unable to fly. One day, Tulio Monteiro arrives in Linda's bookstore and invites her and Blu to go to Brazil in the condition that Blue, being the last male of his kind mate with a female macaw to save their species. Blu, arrives at the aviary and instantly falls inlove with Jewel, the female blue macaw. During the absence of Tulio and Linda, the two macaws were stolen, with the aid of a cockatoo named Nigel. To keep the long story short, Jewel and Blu, tries to find ways to cut the chain linking them together and on their journey finds and meets new friends. The story ends with Blu being able to fly, Tulio and Linda finds them, and sets the two macaws with their offspring in the wilderness and the smugglers being put to Jail. The film ends with the same upbeat music as the start but this time with Jewel, Blu and their new found friends singing together.

I didn't put the whole movie in detail since it would be a lot better if you watch it(If you haven't.).The whole movie is filled with upbeat music, which makes it entertaining. The movie also showcases the beautiful scenery in Rio de Janeiro. It also showcases the Carnaval, which is an annual event celebrated in Rio. Also the movie mentions that the people and the birds and other animals in Rio loves samba, which I found enjoyable since I have also learned that in MuL13.

The movie stars the voice of Anne Hathaway as Jewel and Jesse Eisenberg as Blu. Aside from the two of them, the film also features the voice of the Black Eyed Peas member Will.I.Am. as Pedro, a Red-crested Cardinal and Jamie Foxx as Nico, a Yellow Canary with a green and purple striped bottlecap as a hat and tambourine that loves to samba.

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