Monday, November 19, 2012

Will You Marry Us?

Last September, the 15th edition of the Cine Europa Film Festival was held in Shangri-La Plaza. There were a lot of different European films to choose from. Admission was free. The Film Festival was held from September 6 to 21.


Fortunately, my friend and I were able to watch one of the films that were featured. On the 14th of September, we  watched the Swiss movie entitled "Die Standesbeamtin" translated 'Will You Marry Us?'
  It was my first time watching such a film, so the experience was new to me. The movie was good and entertaining. It has the element of family, romance, comedy, and music. All in all, the movie was great. 
The story revolves around Rahel, a civil registrar, who's job is to marry couples and Ben,her childhood friend and a famous musician. Rahel seems to not believe in the concept of "love" but starts to feel it when she met here childhood friend again. But Ben came back with his girlfriend with a plan, they wanted to get married and they want Rahel to marry them. During this time, Rahel was having a falling out with her husband, whom she caught cheating. Ben, being the childhood friend comes to comfort Rahel and they develop a relationship. Rahel's husband comes back and caught the two of them and you know what happens next. Rahel's relationship with Ben ended and she decided to work out the relationship with her husband. With much thinking she realized that she doesn't love her husband anymore and lets him go. The day of Ben's wedding comes, Rahel was there to preside the ceremony and a twist happens. I won't spoil the ending, that's the fun part of it so I recommend that you watch it. :)
There was no boring part in the movie. The songs they composed, thanks to the subtitles which makes it easier for us to understand the lyrics, were good. They were romantic, fun and new. The movie also successfully captured the beautiful scenery of Switzerland. I really liked and enjoyed the movie. I think that also goes with the people I watched it together with in the cinema. Everyone was laughing and smiling at the end. Well, that's all I can remember regarding that fun and new experience. Sometimes for you to experience new things, you just need "a push". :)

Here's a trailer of the movie. ( I can't find an English subbed one, but I think you'll understand it. )


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